Sunday, September 21, 2008

Winning Attitude

"Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thoughts, and habits can be acquired. An action repeated becomes an attitude realized.”
~Paul Myer

"Winning Attitude" was a first kind of my soft skill training during my professional career and this training work as a soft tool to build a positive personality and it influenced me lot. After attending this training I am strongly convinced that life is only 10% of what happens to us, and 90% of how we react to it.
I would like to put some points/comments what I extracted from this training. I would request to just try out as there is nothing to lose in trying out this.

What is attitude? As the dictionary defines it, attitude is a way of talking and behaving. However, its significance in our lives is much more.
Attitude is a way of life. We have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we embrace for that day. The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. The attitude comes from the way of thinking i.e. thought of mind.
Each day goes according to our thoughts and life goes as you take it. In fact your mind is garden and you are a gardener and your thought is water, fertilizer to give good result and it depends what quality of fertilizer you use to make more productive your personality.
I would say, our life is a hard fact and it works your own way.

Why some people are very successful and some not, it's not that those successful person got better opportunity rather it is completely their winning attitude towards life.
Attitude reflects behavior. One's attitude towards the other, determines the other's attitude towards him. If one smiles at the other, the other may smile back, while if one act hard-nosed with the other, the other is likely to snap at him.
You perceive and experience your own version of everyday reality based on your innermost thoughts. All your day-to-day ations and behaviors are the reflections of your innermost thoughts.
First you have to believe in the self-empowerment to see the positive changes into your personality, you can transform any bad circumstances into good circumstances just by getting rid of your innermost limiting thoughts and replacing them with empowering thoughts. You just need to heal the bad thoughts. You can transform your bad feelings and bad emotions into good feelings and good emotions just by getting rid of your innermost limiting thoughts and replacing them with empowering thoughts.
If you constantly worry about the dead past events or about the unknown future events, you will miss the present event where your life is actually happening, so make habit to enjoy your present happening events to be happy for ever. You are beyond what you think you are; you are beyond what others think about you; actually you are, for what you are living on this planet for, main purpose of living your life is that which is giving.
Our thoughts also reflect the happiness and then how to choose happiness ....begin now to choose happiness when you open your eyes in the morning, say to yourself that “Today is going to be a great day for me”. I would say just try it out for a week and you can see a change in you.This way makes you energetic and radiant and will make you a joyous person.
Happiness is another name of habit. There is story about that "There was a farmer in the village and every morning when he awaken and every night before go to sleep he bless his family, the corps, the cattle, and thank God for the wonderful harvest". This farmer made a practice of this for over the years. As you know thoughts repeated regularly and systematically sink into the subconscious mind and become habitual. The farmer discovered this kind of thoughts and made his habit and happiness came automatically.
If you think ‘I can not ‘or ‘I can not afford’ it means already you clogged your mind with negative thoughts and it overrides you happiness. If you try to do something and get failed thought may come like I am not able or there is no way out or your become hopeless. Whereas other person can take it differently and think that if I failed this way now at least I got that this way thing can not be done. I hope everybody heard about the Thomas Edison, when he was experimenting to give the light to this world, he got failed thousand of times and later on the government said that you have wasted all the money while experimenting and there is no result at all. On this Mr. Edison said "Sir at least after me whoever will do experiment at least they got to know that these thousand ways are not the way to create the light bulb and person can start look for other way." This says how you think many people taken are differently but Edison is taken it positively and because of his winning attitude the whole world know him.

Our thougts get dull or gloomy with time of passage and people think I am not fitted for this as because now in old age and time has gone but it depends on the thoughts but not the age or time. It has well known about painter in a painting exhibition in Netherland and that person at the age of 60 presented painting and many people praised his paintings on this that old man said "Sir the best one has yet to come”. You can see how that person was cheerful, how much a zeal he had at this very old age. This zeal is nothing but he has filled with winning attitude.
Every person has this quality only difference is that how do you navigate your mind.
If you go to some place, some people enjoy and some not, it's not the likeness but It’s the thought of the person how a person accept, nothing is good or bad but it you only decided and your way of thinking.
You would know very well that, if a place you are living and someone has cheated you then you started thinking this place is full of cheater and no one is good and it creates a garbage at the top of your mind which always stops you accept the goodness ....Keep your mind open and avoid to collect bad thoughts otherwise there will not be space for good things.In fact, you are sum total of your thoughts.
Every thought is the action and every action builds your personality. Similarly your inner frustration is also a reflection of your limiting thoughts that have been unconsciously put into your limiting personality, while you were young and unaware about their inputs, therefore frustration not to be taken as an indication of your lack of ability, skills or deficiency in your winning personality. To motivate yourself, to keep your self-esteem always high you must look at your self-confidence as your own self-achieved inner strength .
Have ever observed that why a Child is happier than a Man/Woman because a child work while work, play while play, rest while rest. This is the only way how you can recreate and remain fresh like a child while living your life, begin with small steady steps instead of large quick ones, without going towards any extremes; properly balancing your rest, purpose, and relationships by adding variety to your style of living.
Another good point of my this session I liked that take the whole “responsibility” on yourself. Attitude is something you own and must take responsibility. Take the responsibility of your mistakes and self-improvement instead of falling into the habit of delaying the maximum input of your potential in the task on hand and also stop blaming circumstances for your mistakes. We are responsible for what we are and whatever wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. We get only that for which we are fitted.
For instance, How you will behave If I put a little baby in your hands? Your whole life will change for a moment;whatever you maybe, you must become selfless for the time being. You will give up your criminal ideas as soon as responsibility is thrown upon you. In fact your whole character will change for awhile. So, if the whole responsibility is thrown upon our own shoulders, we shall be at our highest and best. Do not blame to anyone for your faults, stand upon your own feet, and take the whole responsibility upon yourselves. Do you take responsibility for your behavior and actions? Do people want to hang around you? Do you send people away with a smile on their face? Spend some time on this thinking about these questions and answer
them honestly.
If you need to change – then change – it’s up to you!

Another very good point from my training session I liked was, “Develop an attitude of gratitude”. Remember, we should always thanks and express gratitude of whatever happening around you.
Lets us say that when you go to restaurant and waiter ask you after dinner that “Sir/Maam How was food” and you say it was excellent, superb….. In other way when you go to home after working hours and let us say your Mom/wife ask you after dinner that how was food then you say it was okay, it could be made dull way but why not to express your gratitude in cheerful manner and to say Yes, it was excellent. Just try it out and see the difference. This is called an attitude of gratitude.

I would like to conclude that just by integrating these simple soft tools which everybody has got only thing need to explore and it will naturally complement your life with satisfaction, fulfillment, happiness, joy and can open doors of eternal happiness within you because such mindset starts transforming your limiting personality into a winning personality.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"The 3 Mistake of my Life" by Chetan Bhagat

“There are two kind of writers -One; who want to make the unhappy people happy, Two; who want to make the happy people happier…I belong to latter genre”
--Chetan Bhagat

I don't frequently read the novels. In fact you can say I am not Novel freak but, I have read all the three books by Chetan Bhagat. I really like the way he writes. It’s so identifiable; it’s really lucid, simple and entertaining. I have high regards for Chetan Bhagat. Not because he writes great stuff, but because he writes for the masses.

His new novel- “The 3 mistakes of my life” is definitely not a trash as per my perceptions . It’s not a great book. Forget it; it’s not close to “Five Point Someone” but, it’s still a nice time pass read. The kind of books that you like to finish in one goes that’s what I did. It's just like bollywood movies. His third novel has clear glimpses of a bollywood drama. It has all the emotions, twists and turns.

Reading “The 3 mistakes of my life” has left me with mixed feelings. The story starts in a really unusual manner. The author paints himself into the picture by becoming a character in the story. He receives an e-mail from a fan stating rather baldly that he is committing suicide even as he types the mail. The author is shocked and goes into overdrive. Sitting in Singapore, he traces the mail to Ahmedabad and even finds the name of the sender. Our credulity is stretched as he jets off to India in search of the suicidal fan. This sets the stage for more incredible coincidences and logical jumps throughout the book.

It’s about a businessman and his friends, set in the backdrop of Gujarat during the times of earthquake and Godhra.The elements of Cricket, religion and business provide all the necessary drama.

The plot and story are just about okay. But at the end of it, you expect a little more and I felt the title was not appropriate. In my opinions “The 3 mistakes of my life” is no mistake by any chance and in fact I think first things first so it should NOT be mistake. Till the end of story there was curiosity that what are those three mistakes did by the business man Govind.The "Mistakes" that Govind commits, are not really "Mistakes". It can happen to anyone.

Chetan Bhagat says that "If by reading this, a Hindu neighbor thinks about the Muslim in a different way, I will be more than happy".
Yep, it's very true that in this novel it has described that how Ishan, Govind and Omi were ardently devoted to Ali to create him as a good cricketer and also fought back with people who wanted to kill a muslim chap Ali.

I would say, make no mistake, it’s a one time read, okay shokay but, definitely not as good as his earlier novels. Now it’s time for some “Not so good points”. The story which is developed so beautifully in the first half of the book slag a bit in the latter half. I felt that the end could have been scripted better. Also the book could have been titled something else because three mistakes were NOT really "Mistake".

I am not going to write the three mistakes as addressed in the novel as it will fall back the charm/interest to read novel nevertheless, I reiterate three mistakes were not really "Mistake".
Now the main question should you buy a copy for yourself?
I would say if you are a person of “never say die attitude”, have it in you to take everything in good stride, someone who can resurrect from ashes, someone who has dreams and has the will to realize them, then the book is definitely for you.

By the way I got it from my Library where people were claimed one after other to read this book which never ever happened for any other books in my office library. This sounds even book is not so great but it shows people like this novel and really I will be novel freak if Chetan Bhagat will keep writing novel :-).............!!!

So, don’t waste time, grab a copy and enjoy your weekend with it. I am sure you will relish the investment.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Project Star Award for Quarter 1 -2008.

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation".
--Brian Tracy

The day 08 May 2008 Thursday was something special for me.
I was at work in my office locked in cubical with my Computer as always. While, working just one of my colleagues ping me on my office communicator saying that 'CONGRATULATION!!!' ...
I asked for what.....He replied, you got a Project Star Award for Quarter 1 -2008.
I knew that just one announcement mail was pumped in my mailbox a minute before but, I thought will have look on that but surprisingly before that I got the news that my name is also there with
Emp code-006411 Pramod Kumar Upadhyay- Project Star Award Winner.
Yes, really this news delighted me as throughout my career, I have got appreciable words or mails for my splendid work, promptness, disciplined, devotion but it was somewhat
more heart touching happiness and I bubbled with pleasure as this kind of award first time in my professional career.
Getting Project Star Award is one of my achievements and I would like comments on this achievement and put my thoughts towards work at workplace.
I believe that this kind of appreciation put more motivation in employee. In fact award/appreciation plays a vital role to push someone ahead in career path.
Award/appreciation is like fuel to do good work. If you have something good in any field and if you praised for that certainly it realizes that there are more expectations towards me and it fuels you my all responsibilities whichever in role I am performing.
My idea at work is always that if at workplace someone is not good at work we should never shout or blame the person instead of that give them a chance as none in this world is born intelligent. People always learn from surroundings and that way we can put our effort to groom those people to make enough capable.
I have always mind my own business at work means, do what I supposed to do.
Apart from just doing a work at workplace, being nice to colleagues and maintaining a friendly and empowered environment is also a part of our daily work. I never get worried about what others are doing or not doing; I always keep my work on the top and deliver excellence. So at work, we should always maintain harmony, maintain fun and maintain a friendly environment and then a person can be it first, and will influence others. People who part take in politics don't last. Being as political at workplace can give momentarily appreciation but in long run they will self destruct. Instead of be political, be a good performer whatever potential you have to become the pivot of your workplace.
I think, a lot of people want many things in life. Their focus becomes the achievement and they feel that it must be served to them just because they want it but it's not like that to achieve desire we need to perform well and maintain our form. We get noticed for our performance not our potential and by that way we can put our potential into performance and we can earn our space.
Pareto's Principle, the 80/20 Rule says that we should serve as a daily reminder to focus 80 percent of your time and energy on the 20 percent of you work that is really important. Don't just "work smart", work smart on the right things. I truly believe in this fact that time management is key point to reach to goal and success path that’s why I always love to be on time at my workplace and by that way I maintain a disciplined at my workplace.
There is one fundamental aspect that to get the thing done perfectly and that is we should follow each steps perfectly as each of steps is very important to get the positive result .
I remember once my dear brother set an example on this and it's really true fact.
For instance in college time you write the entrance test to get into admission in a college but you know the filling entrance form and getting the form first is as much important as to writing and study hard to crack the entrance test. Supposedly, if we do mistake while filling form or not getting form on time certainly, we can fail to write the entrance test and result would not be positive.
I truly believe in this fact that we should give importance to each step to reach to the goal.
I have seen many people are not energetic at workplace but, if we go at work, we should go with enthusiasm and excitement whether the work which you have it good or bad.
We should make enthusiasm and excitement in a daily practice. If we will have excitement at work what we do then we start loving our work and definitely if we love with something we do best for that.
I would say doesn’t work hard but start love your work then automatically we crate interest what the work we do and then we can deliver the best result at work.

In the last, I would like to conclude on this achievement.......
I absolutely believe if you achieve something in life it's not the only you in fact, there is very well dictum that 'There is no such thing as a self made person. We are made up of thousands of others.' Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success. A lot of people have contributed to where I am today.
All the geniuses whose favor towards me or their work which I have read through books and articles, my colleagues whose dedication has helped me climb to where I am, my family whose encouragement and belief which has brought me so far, and all the endless stream of people who through their appreciation emails, letters, phone calls have expressed their gratitude and respect, have contributed where I am and whatever achieved till date.

I am very much thankful to the people who bring to notice that I deserve for this Project Star Award.
Posting this blog will remind me and accelerate my thoughts that I have to always thrive for excellence in each phase of my career path!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Fear of Death-Dreaming A Death

"A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business.
He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check.
He should ask each morning, am I prepared to lift-off? "

--Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider

I am in Heaven and sitting on God' lap.I cries and my heart has been broken.
I am saying something to my Mommy and Papa.I was so scared, I began screaming, but you were unable to help me as It wasn't in your hand and Monster was pulling me and was saying lets go to the god now, your time is over and instead of your Mommy lap, you would in the God's lap. I was saying , I have always wanted to be your good boy.I don't quite understand what has happened. I requested to Monster saying that, I am started just realizing my existence. I was in a dark, yet comfortable place. I saw, I had fingers and toes and keep walking towards Monster , It looks he is pulling me and I was pretty far from my home but, was not ready to leave my surroundings. I spent most of my time thinking,sleeping or working .
Sometimes I was crying with you. I was sad, and hoped I would be better soon. I wondered why I cried so much. I was thinking I hurt someone and now, I have to go to God' lap and the Mommy and Papa cried almost all of the day as I was leaving them forever.
The monster got closer and closer as I was screaming and screaming, "Mommy, Mommy, help me please; Mommy, help me."

Complete terror is all I felt. I screamed and screamed until I thought I couldn't anymore.Then the monster started ripping my arm off. It hurt so bad; the pain I can never explain. It didn't stop. Oh, how I begged it to stop. I screamed in horror as it ripped my leg off.
Though I was in such complete pain, I was dying. I knew I would never see your face or hear you say how much you love me.

I said,I wanted to make all your tears go away. I had so many plans to make you happy. Now I couldn't; all my dreams were shattered. Though I was in utter pain and horror, I felt the pain of my heart breaking, above all.

I wanted more than anything to be your son.No use now, for I was dying a painful death.
I wanted to tell you that I love you before I was gone and soon, I no longer had the breath to say them; I was dead. I felt myself rising. I was being carried by a huge angel/Monster into a big beautiful place. I was still crying, but the physical pain was gone. The Monster took me to God and set me on own lap. He said, He loved me and then I was saying to god that I wanted to live. I had the will, but I couldn't; the monster was too powerful. It sucked my arm and legs off and finally got all of me. It was impossible to live. I was saying to God that....I just wanted you to know why ....I didn't want to die.

...................then tring tring tring......ringing something..................................

Suddenly,there is as sound of tring tring......tring.... riniging a bell and there was milkman at the door of house and my eye opened...Ahh, thank god.....I am not in God's lap but, I was on my bed and was sleeping and I was DREAMING A DEATH .For a moment, I couldn't believe that it's true that I am alive but yes,yes ...I am alive and give me a feeling like I have just returned from mouth of death .This dream really was painiful,dreadful and frightning and in dream I yelled,cried and disconteneted.
This dream was a lesson for me that all of our possessions, relationships, even our talents and skills are all temporary. So how can our body be anything more? Philosper says being afraid of death is like being afraid to give up an old and worn-out garment and our body is also like that BUT, all in all in the dream, I have seen very closely to leave behind our beloved and and really it was the FEAR OF DEATH.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Voyage en France- Travel to France

In the past I used to post blog frequently but it has been long time to post a blog.
The day when I wrote the last blog and this blog lot ups and down.....
Last blog posted for long time ago don't remember when.....
However, it's taken me a lot longer to organize my time but as I normally skip the gossip stuff, but I couldn't resist this and I would love to put some comments for my first visit to France :-).

Sometimes I feel most of time I get things not easily (I hope most person thinks in that way not sure... ;-) even I work hard and try to give more than 100% of my effort.
The problem came in visa issuance...sometime it recall how the hectic was those days
Ultimately, I got it and was ready to fly on 10th of September'07.
Before starting to IGAI New Delhi airport to catch the flight for Frankfurt...I started getting calls from home, friends...The most emotional part was that the call from my mom she was too scared and nervous like I am leaving her forever and will never come back....but she was aware that I will be back to India very soon in a month, While talking over phone I also filled with emotions and it happens as we love to our beloved.... :-)

There was long queue to get the boarding pass for Lufthansa flight.
I boarded to the flight and reached to Frankfurt,Germany in the morning in early hours. It might be, it won't be amazing to be there for others but as it was my first visit and I feel...It was mind blowing...Frankfurt Airport was huge and too crowded and looks all over the world
flight passes through Frankfurt.

As, I reached to Frankfurt my journey started to Strasburg which was my final destination.
I boarded to Lufthansa bus and it took 2 hrs. 30 mins to reach to Strasbourg,France.
I was alone while traveling so far whenever you are alone lot things sprint to mind and same was happening with me...was thinking World is too big but now days to be in any part of world do not take long as few hours before I was at IGAI, New Delhi and now I am on the way to Satrsburg.

I was approaching to Strasbourg and was watching the secene..lot shining BMW, Audi ,Chevrolet Volt, Volkswagen cars were running on the road ...the road were clean, spotless.

I reached to Strasbourg around 11:00AM and take the cab to reach to the Citadine Hotel which was in the center of the city. Strasbourg is located in France and situated on the banks of the river Rhine. Strasbourg is known for its historical and curltural sights, as well as its specific, picturesque ambiance. Strasbourg is also known for its enchanting forests, and above all white wine.
During my stay to Strasbourg, I used to go to Alcatel Office and come back by Tram.
Tram is the most popular, most effective and by all means the most comfortable way of transport in Strasbourg. Four tram lines (A, B C and D) connect all corners of the city and make city traffic more fluid. During those days another Line E were introduced and hey....government made it free to travel and roam anywhere in the Strasbourg for three days.

Now the days started passing and it was not more than week but I started thinking and how soon I will reach to India.
Strasbourg is also known for the best French cuisine. However, being Vegetarian... I face food problem and not tried French cuisine as was scared that if something have Non-veg...he he he he he ... :-). I am sorry Nonvegitarians...but it is not possible for me to have Non-Veg food.

First Day, I had lunch at Alcatel office ...but I was very much scared that If could eat
Non-veg.From next day I cooked and took my lunch to office and days passed and daily had to manage to have lunch cooked by me and I know , I am not a good colleague liked the way I cooked...Might be they wre also not getting good foods coked by me they liked..he he he ...isn't it true..what do you say..... :),

but have to be happy with my lunch. I would say Thanks to LAYS Chips which we used to have during lunch to add the taste.

Week passed and we planned to visit Paris and I was very much keen to see the Eiffel Tower which I had seen many times in mazines, books, television...Etc..
We four guys planned for the trip and started early in the morning by TGV train from Strasbourg to Paris.TGV train is Europe's newest high-speed train and seat reservations are required on TGV trains.

We arrived to Paris in 3 hours. We went to Hotel for stay and booked and dump our lagauges over there get ready to roam in Paris. I noticed, when I stepped out of Hotel that the ladies there dress very nice and very classic. The only jogging pants I saw were on the fat tourists! It doesn’t matter what they did, just walking around being pretty or grocery shopping.

Everyone knows that Paris is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.
We sighted Eiffel tower, Louvre Museum and did boating in Paris visit. I found that how all the locations are well connected by Metro which runs on every 4-5 mins .

You never have to wait longer than 5 minutes for the next train and the metro stations don’t smell bad he he he he..... :-). You need not to ask anyone about locations as everything was easily traceable by map to reach to other locations.

Do not miss your map while travlling as you might ask and may you get the answer but it's bit difficult to make out their pronunciation...(I don't want to teach you French as I tried but ahh...still don't know... )

We first headed to Louvre Museum. Museum is built on the city's western edge; the original structure was gradually engulfed as the city grew as I heard about..... :-).

LovrveMuseum, where you can find original painting of MonaLisa.
It might be many people want to touch this but I don't want to touch it, because I don't want to mess it up which is preserevd for a long long time.People were crazy there to have snaps with this painting. LovrveMuseum, even if you chose never to set foot inside the museum, its walls alone are a living - and still evolving French history lesson.
Cautions....DO NOT TRY TO SEE IT ALL. This is impossible... he he he he... :-) Because, you will never see it all in one day. Better spend enough time with one painting and it will be yours forever.So, please, do this for me if you go to the Louvre. Find one painting, one sculpture, one art object - and make it yours. Like, I spent most time with MonaLisa painting.
After visiting to Louvre Musem we headed over to Eiffel Tower.
When we were on our way to the Eiffel Tower, we strolled on the Lafayette a gignatic,really nice and huge Shopping Mall. I was actually quite shocked when I saw a fantastic watch that was just 35,000 euros ummmmm.... I had to gasp for air. The contrast was so big; a person who beg for money and some French fries and another person who buys a terrific watches with the amount of money that poor person could live till the end of his/her life. Ah, the way the world works is crazy isn’t it?

Now we reached at the bottom of the Eiffel towers and there was along queue to take the tickets. We got the tickets and went on the TOP of Eiffel tower.
In the night when Eiffel Tower started glittering it was awesome and mind blowing and people were so much excited and started shouting. We had great moment to have Beer at the Eiffel Tower. A very good experience. If you drink you can also try as we took advantage of our time that we were at the tope of Eiffel Tower because it is something that we can't do all the time because it's far from us....he he he he he he :-)
By the time when came down we were damn hungry but the food available around the Tower was not okay for me...I hate fast foods........ :-(
Somehow we got Samosha and Garama Garam Chaye (Tea)...After getting the taste of India in Paris was excellent. I did not see anything really extreme fashion-wise, maybe because I had such a short stay over there.
By the time we got tired and keep roaming and then we back to hotel and took a sleep and got early in the morning and started for the Disneyland.
Disneyland Paris is situated about 40km from Paris this is a major tourist's attraction especially for children. Metro takes 45 mins from Paris to reach DisneyLand.
If you want to discover the magic of a Disneyland do visit to this place.

Paris, there are lots of things to see there but we don't have enough time as one of our Boss said that going 2 days even 2 weeks are not enough to see the Paris/Disney Land and yes that's very true.

Overall, there was so much architectural beauty cramped in two days that my brain almost exploded and the people in Paris dress very nice, classic and chic. Both women and men too, they pay close attention to details. The French love and respect their designers and they are well dressed and care what they put on their bodies.

I would say while visiting to any part of the France and If you have not visited to Paris then you have missed one of the most wonderful 'EIFFEL TOWER'. You must fully experience it at least once in a lifetime.

Thats' ll my first Visit to France for very short period of time.

I hope to see me there again....... :-)