Saturday, February 10, 2007

Remembering Firends

New is good, but old is the best;
Make new friends, but keep the old;
One is sliver and the other gold .

Over last few days..I roamed lot and came accross of lot of college friends and the guys to whom I met or saw in childhood...Now again back to Kolkata leaving all those friends... We spent days with cracking jokes,which are sticked to my mind...gossiping in the room or canteen....commenting on one another keep laughing...We have traded secrets and laughs as well sorrows and pain.We are now far away..... but, still there is bond among us....this bond has taken years to build and as the time passes....getting strong and stronger.
Those days memories are everlasting .I know those gloden days would never come back but,
I still love you guys and all of your smiling faces.
I don't understand what to write more but there are few lines which was mailed by one of friend of mine and would like to put is in the blog from my office mailbox as these lines touched me very closely....

Remembering my friends,after few years,
My eyes were filled with tears,
Everyone is now busy a lot,
No one escaped destiny's plot.

Saw the girl,whom once i thought as my best friend,
Oops!Today she is somebody else's girl fiend,
After months,remembered about her for a little while,
Heard she is happy,that made me smile.
Project reviews to campus interviews,
Nicknames to last bench games,
Cultural rehearsals to love proposals,
Short term crushes to classroom blushes.

Everything is fresh in our mind,
Wish life could just rewind,
Let's laugh,play and rejoice,
Once again become college guys.

Chatting and laughing,we all were in elation,
Till the painful moment of seperation,
When it was time to part,
We returned with a heavy heart.

Today life is full of commitments,
And to many worries,
But those cherished moments,
Will live forever in our memories.

At last,I would say something.. it might be you agree or disagree ....but I feel...
"Friends at college who may be big or small but,friends at the college are best of all"