Saturday, December 16, 2006

15 December@Kolkata

'Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.The most important product of his effort is his own personality'.
~ Erich Fromm

15 December was somehting...special....
Those who don't know about this date let me say that it was B'day bash date so what you are gift you are going to give to me....he he someone has said 'Birthday is a chance for you to give presents to someone and make him or her feel good'.
On this day, I got up as usual...7 o'clock morning...I got a first call and 'you and I in this beautiful world green grass to sky' hey..... this is mobile ringtone and called by one of the dearest Senior from Banglore.

In this world everybody is so much busy that they don't get even time to make call but on 15th Dec at Capgemini office while working I was keep getting..Calls.....trin trin.....really..whole day I wasn't able to concentrate at my hand holding mouse..for computer and other hand holding mobile and keep talking and talking as many wishes from friends.I could not stop others making calls as my friends were delighted to wish me HAPPY B'DAY.
Really..friends who are seven sea away from me also remebered my B'day and wished me
on phone.
Getting wishes on phone is definitly gives more pleasure than that of just sending mail for wishes.Oops..I am getting emotional....really missing all of sweet and caring friends
Hmmm...I am special to all of friend of not true hey what do you say...he he he .. :)

I had a great time at office with my team members though I don't like cutting cake even it's give me immense pleasure as thier hospitality was splendid to celebrate my B'day.
We always say, we should not look behind but in terms of age we always want to look behind..mean to say older one always want to be younger and it would be best if we go back to our lovely days 'childhood' ....So 's better to have start celebration with distributing chocolates to my teammates.
Birthday cakes. Lighted candles. Singing “Happy Birthday.” Receiving gifts.In almost every culture and nation on earth, virtually nothing is as universally celebrated as birthdays.
Saying “happy birthday” to friends and loved ones was society’s superstitious way of protecting them from evil spirits. Birthday thumps, bumps, pinches, etc., were said to bring luck and send away evil spirits. Party snappers, horns and other noisemakers were also intended to scare off bad-luck spirits.

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