Saturday, December 09, 2006

SAP world

I am LIVING in SAP world those who don't know about SAP definitly would think what is SAP .Before answering to your question I would say read this blog and at last you will get the answer .
It's sucked me as mind was just revolving around the ABAP even I was not at work .
Those who don't know what's it I would say 'A Boring Programming Language'
he he he I right?
Guys whether you believe or not ABAP....only ABAP and while logging to HDFC Internet Banking for money tranfer I enetred my SAP logon id and passwd and not only 2 times and third time HDFC Login id which was right but huh ...again entered password which I use to enter SAP world.
I am very much worried as same kind of incident happen earlier which was like I entered my SAP Logon passwd to Office machine and also to my Yahoo Messenger.
If, my mind will revlove so much around SAP there is no doubt that some day I would accidentally enter password on the microwave he he he I right guys?
So what do you say ,is it not creating a problem....and you would say SAP stands for
'Supply A Problem' rather saying this I would have to maintain equilibrum of official and personal work and then definitly you would agree that
SAP is SYSTEMS,APPLICATIONS and PRODUCT for data processing
not a source which 'Supply A Problem' <> SAP.

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