Saturday, January 06, 2007


"To live well, is to be happy every DAY.
It can be done!
Just find one good thing about each DAY that passes...."

This time New year was at Home Varansai.
When,whole world was celebarting to welcome new year in their style dancing,drinking,rocking,singing,cutting cake.....etc.
Well,I was also celebrating but, I wanted to do it differently that's why I was celebrating while sleeping and dreaming for better tomorrow.Hey... what do you say.. is not this a unique way.
I was dreaming to dream up a better tomorrow.First morning of 2007 was same as the 31st Dec 2006 only thing was that got lot of wishes 'HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 over the phone thorough next morning I switched on my mobile hmmm... lot of SMS one by one as last night on 31st Dec 2006 ....I switched off the mobile to have nice sleep and to have sweet dream for the coming new DAY(Year 2007).
1st January marks the end of a period of remembrance of the passing year, especially on radio, television, and in newspapers. It is also a memorable occasion to make New Year's resolutions, which they hope to fulfill in the coming Year. Most of us has general perception that the New Year is an event that happens when a culture celebrates the end of one year and the beginning of the next year and also New Year redresolutions is simply another way to wish away the past in exchange for hopes of the future, but I dont't think so.... for me now days are passing.....and
I would express my thougths in certain way.... A person
who is unhealthy today... want to be more physically fit tomorrow
who is in sorrow today... want to be happier tomorrow
who is poor today... want to be rich tomorrow
who is rich today... want to be richer tomorrow
who is heavier today... want to lose weight tomorrow
who is loser today... want to be winner tommorw

Everybody wants better for tomorrow.All days are created equal whether it would be 31st Dec of 2006 or 1st Jan of 2007. If, we always day to day to handle our problems which come on the way of life rather than running away from that ...we can make better tomorrow.
My perception is .....What will I do and I will achive this year which totally depends on day to day activity.
So, I strongly beleive that Change of YEAR not matters for me the DAY matters which always counts in our life.

1 comment:

Dhanjay said...

Hmm, Nice yaar, Vsh u a Very Happy New Year 2. Mast blog haih, keep updated,