Saturday, November 04, 2006

I decided to start writing this blog because...

Well, I created blog when was in Hyderabad and thought will keep writing but how come .....
I didn't have enough time however if I got any time which passed in gossiping as lot of friends were around . Those days time flew away as the pendulum swings.
But now in Kolkata time goes slow as noone around .
Now, I do manage to write here regularly, might be getting enough time nothing to do special on week ends so..better to write something..hope, it might be a nice way of keeping friends and family updated on what's going on in my life.Not that there's usually a whole lot going on in my life,but you know... theoretically, if anything did happen,I could write of it here. Exciting, right? I know.So just carry on reading people!This blog was born not long ago.So please do not expect much.More has yet to come...

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