Sunday, October 29, 2006

Delighted to Light Up

It had been long time to celebarte Diwali at Home.Last 6 years Diwlai festival ,I celebarted in Hyderabad.Out of 6 years, 3 years Diwali celebration in the HCU campus and that was also very good moment where we used to do collection from all MCA students and then bought some candles,firecrakers and definitly some sweet and we used to decorate open dias and celebrate there with all HCU friends really unforgotable moment and then we also used to dance as we guys were fan and dancing hard always.Out of campus also we had great Diwali we used to decorate our rented house where I stayed with our HCU gang and then we used to go to campus to celeberate diwali with our lovely juniors.Last year diwali 2005 was quite boring for me as most of friend were not with me either they went to home or out of Hyderabad.
21st Oct 2006 Diwali delighted me and why not as celebarted at home I went to home on 20th Oct but sad part was that I were only with parents now life has got too busy that don't think will get time to celebarte Diwali along with all brothers and sister.
However for me it was happy Diwali as It has been long time to celebarte Diwali at home and was first diwali in Varanasi over 6 years but no firecrackers this time even have been at Home in Diwali was great. I was with parents while Laxhmi Pooja and really I delighted to light the candles .

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