Saturday, November 11, 2006


Someone has said
"To the old saying that man built the house but woman made of it a home might be added the modern supplement that woman accepted cooking as a chore but man has made of it a recreation."

Oh yes...I can...
Last week maid servent was on leave. So..I made up my mindset that have to have cook way as the place where I stay ..have less option for veggy food and all in all I don't like eating daily outside.
So,I cooked myself. and good thing is that I tried to cook Roti ( Bread or Chapati) which is too difficult for me..Curry I cooked easily..that's not a big deal for me. Almost 7 days..I cooked myself and always Roti even cooking rice is pretty easier than that of Roti. After coming from office huh ....I have to cook but as done with cooking Yes..I can cook and why to go outside to eat as simple and plain food and certainly hygienic food would be the best if it would be cooked at home.
It took hardly 45 Mins ( Cooking & Cleaning ) . So, It's matter of prepare mindset like why I can not do. One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.So guys...It's difficult to think cooking but pleasant thoughts while eating food cooked at home..Am I right?
But Guys..don't expect I will cook for you if you visit at my I can cook but not as mouth-watering that you can lick your own fingers ......heheheh... :)

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