Saturday, March 17, 2007


"Weekends are a bit like rainbows;
they look good from a distance
but disappear when you get up close to them.”
As the Firday knocks in the week and you will say now weekend...After working hard five days or working hardly on these five days...he he he Weekend ....TWO days to have complete relax.Friday is the day when people gets in mood of weekend after lunch break...and say..oh..Thank god.... Week End is about to start.
Those who have lot of work....have to decide whether weekend is going to spoil or what to do to escape from work on weekend.
I believe that WORK HARD and put 100% on these five days and have complete relax two days what do you say guys isn't it great idea .
So, it's better to work five days sticking as a worm with your computer and not to take many Tea or Coffee breaks and waistng in gossiping with colleagues at work otherwise you will end up working on weekends and you would be blaiming to boss that why did he give me lot of work and have pull on weekends.
Lets talk about positive side of weekends .Weekend for different people mean different things.Some of the guys want to watching movie and rocking and rolling in the bar .
Some of guys sleeping and it seems balancing those last 5 days when they've not slept properly as Boss was coming to dream and was keep knocking to complete your task...........he he he he :-)
Some of guys who has girl friend start SMS from morning saying 'Hey GM n watzs plan for 2day'and keep SMSing till the end of day until unless they don't see another.
Some guys say 'Hey lets go to Shopping malls even don't have to shop anything but hey come on will go and do time pass over there'.
Some of guys like me at home and take sound sleep and browse and like that days end up.
I am sick or you can say crazy about this ......keep on surfing whole day....guys say...what do you do how long you will be on the net...but I do and like that and feel better than to go shopping malls even don't have to shop I freak out looking crowds.I feel better peacefulness when not many people around which gives me more pleasure,more relax and peace of mind.Definilty, I like to gossip with friends,debating on certian matters but not like looking at crowds.So... for me Week end is log to Internet and keep browsing.
Internet gives me lot of things and for me It's better way to grab the knowledage as well as to entertain and many online services.I do..lot of things netbanking,ticket booking,to get information about places,obviosuly for Job searching and obviously reading and writing Blogs.
I don't remember that when last time I went to Railway reservation counter to book the ticket.
So isn't it gives comfort of the life to grab lot of information from A to Z .Now, it would be quite difficult to live without Internet. It seems,I am addicted of Internet but while at work I hardly log to Ineternet as I do believe to work at other like to give 100% whatever I do.
Being a software professional we hardly write unless have to send mails and
of course....some time on weekends writing such blogs will bit improve my writing what do you say how is my written skills....isn't it improving..he he he he he ....!!!
At last I would say everybody has DIFFERENT way and it's good that what you are doing you should ENJOY that at the fullest.
It’s Saturday.It’s Saturday
It’s our day.When we will chat
We’ll have a fight.Exchange a smile In our STYLE.

Now in that way Weekend gets ended and hmmmm...again back to work.

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